We are delighted to announce that Ian Coley Sporting is sponsoring British Sporting Champion and England Cap Sam Usher.
Sam took up clay shooting in 2015 after seven years in the game shooting field and made AAA Class with just his third classification. He then went on to make the England team for the Home Internationals in Northern Ireland in 2019 and in 2022 he won the British Open Championship!
You will see Sam at competitions across the UK wearing the Ian Coley Sporting brand, so please don’t hesitate to speak to him about what our award-winning Gun Shop, Shooting School and Sporting Agency have to offer. We look forward to following his progress throughout the coming year.
A bit about my Shooting Journey?
I fell in love with anything outdoors from a very young age. But I didn't discover shooting until I could tag along to any local game shoots with my father.
However it wasn't until I was 16 and at agricultural college for me to take up shooting. After 7 years out in the field I decided to try my hand at Clay Shooting in early 2015, and after making AAA with just my third Classification I was hooked.
What has been your highlight in your shooting career so far?
I have many career highlights but the one which means the most is winning the British Open Championship 2022.
What Shooting Disciplines do you enjoy the most?
I love the competitive edge to English and Compak Sporting but there is something about game shooting that you just can not beat.
What are your aims for 2023?
I'd love to be able to retain my British Title, after coming runner up in 2021 and then managing in win 2022 the event means a lot to me.
What Gun do you currently Shoot and why?
I shoot a Krieghoff K80 Parcours Fixed Choke 3\4 & Full. I feel the Handling and build Quality is superior to anything else I have tried.
What are your cartridges of choice?
I shoot the Coley Competition 28g 7.5.
What's the piece of shooting gear you couldn't do without?
My Pilla shooting glasses.
What's your dream gun?
I'd love a Custom Spec Krieghoff Parcours
What's something that most people wouldn't know about you?
I'm a keen Golfer with a single figure Handicap.